Friday 22 – Saturday 23 April, 2011 (intermediate days of Pesach)
Come join the Yiddish community at Johns Hopkins University for our first ever YIddish Shabbos!
Yiddish Shabbos is a an event where yiddish speakers, enthusiasts, and those curious about Yiddish language and culture get together to celebrate Shabbos in an environment that’s…..well…..Yiddish!
The program will include:
Sholem Berger: Yiddish Pesach Proverbs
Marc Caplan: Discussion of a Yiddish Story
Hasidic Board Games
The program will also include all shabbos meals (free of charge for participants from afar, but you must register).
Some accommodation is available: contact us for more details.
More information can be found on Facebook.
Reservation and further information: Brukhe Caplan.
The program is sponsored by the JHU Hillel and by the Leonard and Helen R. Stulman Program in Jewish Studies.