Unlike most Yiddishists, Ladino served as Rivke’s gateway to Yiddishkeyt. Unlike most Yiddishists, Ladino served as Rivke’s gateway to Yiddishkeyt. Yet even after converting few years later, she sensed that something was still missing from her parve American-Jewish life. Thus in 2015 while wrapping up a doctorate in anthropology, she decided to enroll in Yiddish Farm’s summer program. Although intensive language programs were nothing new to Rivke, who had studied Uzbek in Tajikistan and Russian in Vermont, learning Yiddish changed her life. She now speaks primarily Yiddish at home and is pleased to serve as Yiddish Vokh Coordinator. She welcomes your feedback to help continually improve your experience in Copake. [needs translation] [needs translation] [needs translation]